
February 1, 2007

Two very popular literary figures breathed their last the previous month: Sidney Sheldon and Art Buchwald. Both have had a profound impact on my life: The former’s novels allowed me to glimpse the cynical attitude prevalent while the latter showed that being funny is the best form of revenge.

I was introduced to Sidney(Windmill of the Gods) during my class 6 vacations. Fast paced action with a lucid storyline, his novels saved me from eternal boredom during my high skool years. His masala novels have inspired many a bollywood and kollywood writers(even serial writers).

My sunday mornings used to begin wit a cup of coffee and The Hindu. And the first article used to Art Buchwald’s syndicated column. At first, I use to find it difficult to understand what he wrote about(american politics was as alien as pizzas back then!). With time though, I was able 2 appreciate his humor. If laughter is the best medicine, then i guess researchers don need 2 look far to cure AIDS.

Both the writers would be sorely missed 😦 May their Soul rest in peace