O Presario

January 13, 2006

Diamond knocked over the candle on Newton’s desk, starting a fire that destroyed records of many years’ research. Legend has it that Newton, viewing the destruction, said only, “O Diamond, Diamond, thou little knowest the damage thou hast done.”

Monday 16th January 2006:
Time 6:30 AM
I had slept early the previous night(1 30..by my standards!)….had a pretty disturbed sleep…calicut seems hotter at night time. I had set an alarm in my cell phone for 6 30 and it did its duty and rang. With no intention to wake up but just to switch it off, i got up. Before i did so, i looked at ma computer. I never switch it off and so looked if i had got any new mail or scrap. To my horror, I was not staring at the usual Tarzan2 sleep wallpaper. Instead there was some message being displayed. Having wotchd a rerun of the matrix trilogy a week ago, I thought Morpheous had finally found me.Yessss….I knew it……. I am the ONE….wow!!! 😎 I cudn believe my eyes and so rubbed them and looked again….my happiness was shortlived and as i read the contents on ma screen, my face turned pale:

chainloader error
Error no: 13: Unspecified format. blah….blah….blah….

Wait a nimite…..This aint anywhere similar to wat I had expected:
Do you want to know wat the matrix is, Vivek?

So at 6 30 on a monday morning, I learnt my comp was knocked out…wat a start to the week!!!

Such a knock down is a usual thing in a computer. And being a CSE student, I knew there was no need to panic. But the real horror hit me when I learnt tat my entire C drive was wiped out(it contained 4 GB of data) and the worst part was when I realised that the 4 GB contained also contained the only copy of the tech paper and its references which I had finished a week back. I had sent the paper to a tech symposium a week back but it was not selected and was hoping to send it to other techfests. Usually I have backups in my various inbox(u never know which Mail is gonna konk out) ,my friends comp,etc. But this time, I had not done anything of tat sort and had lost the only copy of my precious(!) paper.

I reinstalled Windows XP Pro….it gets installed in a jiffy and my comp is bak alive and kicking. However all I cud do was to stare at ma computer and say:
“O Presario, Presario, thou little knowest the damage thou hast done.”

16 Responses to “O Presario”

  1. Hell's Angel Says:

    same thing happened 4 my bro.. he lost all his data when his laptop crashed.. all comp geeks have no practical knowledge i guess..

  2. Trinity Tealβ„’ Says:

    hey vivek,
    let it go mannn … mayb it was destined that u shud lose ur paper. it happened to me once in 2002 [early], when i lost my fav music collection owing to a computer crash. 😦

  3. rohini Says:

    poor yew!!!..

    shit happens man!!

    jus remember three worz of wisdom
    “Bonk!”,”zap” and “yowsers” πŸ˜›

  4. Vivek Says:

    @Hell’s Angel
    Oh…tas sad…guess i understand how troublesome it wud hve been..reg the comp geeks thing..well u need to ask one..not me πŸ˜›

    @The Grunge Gestapo
    Ms. Gestapo :P,
    wat ls to do..no use ponderin over lost data…knowin u, it mus hve been pretty shockin for u 😦

  5. Vivek Says:

    Yeah….poor me…..:((
    lol…shall rmmber those words of wisdom forever πŸ˜›

  6. Divya.B Says:

    uh oh…thats an irritating thing….
    my d drive was wiped off a fortnight ago, but i had all the backups..so not much of a damage….
    its a pity thtat u lost ur tech paper..

  7. Anonymous Says:

    oh! thats bad.
    i’m glad that it neva happened with my laptop so far n I hope that it’d be the same.


  8. Abhishek Khanna Says:

    thats bad …. i love my laptop too much…

  9. Mighty Titan Says:

    guess u ought to stop watching movies da.. too much bad influences πŸ™‚ nice blog though…

  10. Jagan Says:

    dude ..i lost my final year project and i cudnt recover it . almost redid damn thing all over again 😦

  11. Sreevatsa Says:

    ho.ho….. so lost ur tech paper… man ur paper indeed has intelligence.. u kno how? it didnt want to lose its respect in an other techfest… lol..


  12. Vivek Says:

    Yea..for sometime i hven been takin bakups for data..mus b more careful now

    Lol yeha..but do take bakup copies regularly

  13. Vivek Says:

    Yeha man..I luv ma comp too..

    @Mighty Titan
    hmm…Shall try tat out da πŸ˜‰

  14. Vivek Says:

    Damn…now i need 2 take a bakup of tat..n redoin it..mus hve been a pain:(

    Yeha machcha..now i know y ur sys keeps crashin often…intelligence eh?? πŸ˜›

  15. The optimist from utopia Says:

    A presario? cool machcha.. And yeah its soo cumbersome to take backups..
    but nothin compared to rewriting a paper.. I lost my movies collevtion in a hard disk crash once.. 😦
    All my efforts to resurrect my HD were in vain and so, unwillingly I had to reformat the damn thing..
    tsk tsk.. Hope u hav already taken a bakup.. atleast now..

  16. archie Says:

    yea sure will πŸ™‚

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